Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Full circle

The airplane landed in Denver, one of the smoothest touchdowns ever..Almost didn't feel how the wheels touched the ground.

I am home, overlooking the clear, wide sidewalks, the greenest grass and the large open, Colorado sky. Unbelievable.

how to sum up the last few weeks? I cant believe how time has flown by- how the next cycles in my life have already begun, almost before I am ready...

the triptych- so far- tearfully left Bombay, late in the raining night in early august

touched down in Israel, a relief to be home again, to attend a wedding in Jerusalem in the midst of war...Connected with Israeli friends and family, stopped over in DC to an official orientation with my next job, and before I turned around, I was on a frontier flight home

here I am

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Monsoon departure

Sorry to have been away from the blog for the last few weeks. I have been traveling up in Northern India with limited access and wrapping up last minute packing and goodbyes in Bombay. I left Mumbai last night, in the midst of Monsoon, and I am now in Israel for a close friend's wedding. Just want to let everyone know that I am safe and well and thinking of you all.

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