Friday, November 28, 2008

thoughts and prayers with mumbai once more

hard to believe the news today

Monday, May 07, 2007

concentric circles...

To a certain extent, my blog ended after I left India in August 2007. That being said, Mumbai - and the family and friends that remain there- have never been far from my mind. After visiting with Mumbaikars over this past week in Washington DC, my new home, it's only natural to report things here. Once again, I have seen a city in a new light. More details to follow...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Full circle

The airplane landed in Denver, one of the smoothest touchdowns ever..Almost didn't feel how the wheels touched the ground.

I am home, overlooking the clear, wide sidewalks, the greenest grass and the large open, Colorado sky. Unbelievable.

how to sum up the last few weeks? I cant believe how time has flown by- how the next cycles in my life have already begun, almost before I am ready...

the triptych- so far- tearfully left Bombay, late in the raining night in early august

touched down in Israel, a relief to be home again, to attend a wedding in Jerusalem in the midst of war...Connected with Israeli friends and family, stopped over in DC to an official orientation with my next job, and before I turned around, I was on a frontier flight home

here I am

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Monsoon departure

Sorry to have been away from the blog for the last few weeks. I have been traveling up in Northern India with limited access and wrapping up last minute packing and goodbyes in Bombay. I left Mumbai last night, in the midst of Monsoon, and I am now in Israel for a close friend's wedding. Just want to let everyone know that I am safe and well and thinking of you all.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

one year...

Just checking in with all, on my way up to Mcleod Ganj, Dahramsala...

there is too much to write here, about this last week of transitions, endings, reflections, memories and reconnections..

one year has passed since my arrival in India, a cycle completed, and I am now out of Mumbai for some travels with friends from before India.

I promise to include some thoughts on everything going on soon-
Take care and be well

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